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Carla W.

"As a Dogo Canario Club of America founding member, past temperament president and board member, past Presa rescue effort leader, and sometime breeder, I have know Jen from almost her beginning. There are few people I would say shared my dedication to the breed in my 20 years, and only 1 has surpassed it, Jen of Cabeza Grande Kennels.


In my years involved in the presa breed I had easy access to some of the most renowned bloodlines of Spain, The Canary Islands, Eastern Europe and North America. The only American bred dog that met my expectations of what a presa should be was Bojinka de Cabeza Grande, PH. CCF II, TAN, DD , CAL II. She was from the original B litter, early in the breeding career of Cabeza Grande. She was the most perfectly balanced dog I ever owned, and that includes dogs of my own breeding. She won show classes, and could turn around and perform in working competitions the next day, yet be perfectly at ease with whatever mutt I brought into the house to rescue. While she wasn't the only outsourced dog I brought home, she was the only one I kept until the end.


On a personal note, I have never Known Jen to fail to do the right thing by a dog, even at great personal expense to herself. She has rescued many a dog from bad situations and found them homes; or brought them up to their true potential, and made them excellent contributors and ambassadors for the breed. Her dedication to her dogs, and to the breed in general, is unsurpassed. Many a year went by where she would work a full time job, then come home and drive an hour to train until late at night. Training, shows or competitions all over the country were her weekends. When Jen decided to join the DCCA, she threw herself wholeheartedly into it. Many a show started with her and Dave joining my husband and I at the crack of dawn to set up, and finished the same way, being the last to leave. Anything the club needed her to do, she did it. When she felt the breeds needs as a guardian weren't being met or measured, she started the Working Dogo Canario Alliance, improving upon the basic breed temperament testing, and tracking dogs that met the criteria, and these tests and events were open to all breeders and owners. When most breeders were just getting by with one or two dogs in their kennel being OFA certified, Jen was checking hips with PennHip on everything she owned, as well as what she sold when she could, and tracking improvement percentages.In summation, you will never regret getting a Cabeza Grande dog. However, understand that Jen doesn't suffer fools, so do your research before you call her. If you do right by your dog, she will do right by you. "

Johnny G.

I'd researched a number of Presa Canario breeders before settling on Cabeza Grande Kennel. What convinced me to choose Cabeza Grande was the love she has for her dogs and the quality of her dogs. Jen Chandler is a very knowledgeable Presa Canario breeder. She's always available to assist me with any issue I may run into. I've purchased two great Presa Canario's from Cabeza Grande Kennel. I would recommend Cabeza Grande Kennel to anyone looking to add a Presa Canario to their life.

Carmen G.

I have two dogs from Cabeza Grande (Paka & Gwyn). Both turned out to be excellent dogs & great addition to our family. Most importantly, the breeder support from Jen is second to none. She jumps on every opportunity to help however she can.

Rob G.

I got a fawn female from Jen about a year ago and could not be happier. Everything from the communication before I picked up Stella to the unlimited support after is hands down above and beyond. Jen is a wealth of knowledge and am thankful that I had the opportunity to me her.

Lacy K.

I would recommend this kennel a million times. Jen is an awesome breeder that takes the time it takes. She never makes you feel like she is put out when you ask a million questions. She is kind, caring and very professional. Her kennels are very clean and well-kept and you just get the sense that she is doing it for the betterment of the breed. My husband and I were both very impressed with her and her kennels. Not to mention her dogs are amazing. Just from talking with me she picked out the perfect puppy for our family. He is a perfect fit.


We had to wait several years before we were able to purchase our puppy and from my numerous questions a few years ago - until this year when we were finally able to get one, Jen's tone never changed. In my opinion she goes above and beyond. I always feel like I have someone in my corner when it comes to my puppy. And I would not hesitate to get another dog from her. You won't be sorry if you go with Cabeza Grande Kennels.

Ken T.

I traveled over 900 miles to see for myself Cabeza Grande Kennels and the pup I would be buying. The owner Jen Chandler gave me a complete tour of the kennels, addressed all my questions and concerns. She texted me to see how my return trip was going. Although this happened two years ago, Jen still responds to any questions I have. Simply put, this is a top notch kennel. Jen Chandler is a consummate professional and an ethical, dedicated breeder of Presa Canarios.

Stephen C.

My name is Stephen Cater, and I decided to write this review in order to describe my experience with Cabeza Grande Kennels. My experience with this kennel, and specifically Jen Chandler has been nothing short of amazing.


First of all, I would mention that I have known Jen for some years on facebook (never met in person until she brought me "Chazaq"). I was always interested in the Presa Canario breed, and specifically her lines...but for various reasons was never able to commit to purchasing a pup from her. Despite this (which I was upfront about), Jen answered question after question for me even when my question had to do with different breeds altogether! Jen knew she had nothing to gain financially by helping me...but she always did. This, to me spoke volumes.


Some years went by, and life brought some major changes, and I finally found myself in a position to contact her regarding a pup. Jen was helpful, as expected, but my issue was the timing of her available litter. I told her that I could not take the pup home until it would be at least 15 weeks old. Jen told me, "No problem, I'll just hold the pup here for you until then". What I didn't realize at the time was that she was going to hold him for me...and not charge me one cent for boarding! If there are other breeders out there who would do this for someone, I have not met them yet.


Another thing that I mentioned to Jen is that I hated dealing with the airport, and all that. I was willing to do it (as she lives close a few states away), but was not really comfortable with dealing with all that. Once again, Jen told me "No problem, I'll just deliver him personally". Again, I have never met a breeder who would go to such lengths to accommodate a client.


One last thing I would like to mention is that Jen Chandler also offers puppy training for people who want some of the early work done before they get their pup. I went ahead and paid for two weeks of the puppy training and let me tell you, it is one heck of a deal. Chazaq was not only crate trained...but also fully house broke by the time I got him! I can't stress enough how much work and stress that removes from a new puppy owner's life. She could charge double what she charges, and it would still be well worth it.


So, to sum up...if you are interested in the Presa Canario breed, and specifically interested in a puppy, there is no one else That I would recommend over Cabeza Grande. If I ever decide to get another will definitely be purchased from Jen Chandler and Cabeza Grande Kennels.

Richard B.

"Back in 2008 when I first heard about the breed I immediately started looking at kennels for Presa Canarios. After about a year of research I decided on you (not as a kennel but a breeder who lives the breed and keeps to the original standard).


 Fast forward to 2010 there was this beautiful puppy (so reversed brindle that she looked black) was waiting for me at the airport. As soon as I got her home she fit right in. She took well to everyone in the family to include the Westie we already had. She was partial to Jayden who was born in January that same year. I noticed where ever Pepper was Jayden always wanted to be there; and everywhere Jayden was, Pepper was sure to follow. I really believe that Pepper helped Jayden learn to walk (she was always by him in every video) those two were inseparable.


 From the bottom of my families heart, thank you for providing the perfect addition to our family."

Presa Canario Breeder and Trainer

©2018 by Cabeza Grande Kennel

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