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Working Presa Canario
Presa Canario puppies
Presa Canario Falco
Mission Statement

Committed to Providing the Best Companion for your Family.

We are a small but dedicated kennel interested in improving the state of the Presa Canario in the US. Our dogs are bred for health, temperament, working ability, conformation and true Spanish Presa Canario type. We strive for the "total" Presa. All of our bitches and dogs must pass stringent criteria before being considered for our breeding program. They will:

  1. Be confirmed by Spanish Presa Canario breed specialists or judges as acceptable for breeding and FCI recognized.

  2. Be OFA'd, PennHIP'd or other x-ray evaluated test that shows they are free from Canine Hip Displaysia. Please visit the OFA Website or the PennHIP Website for more information about this disease.

  3. Be temperament tested to assure strong and stable temperaments.

  4. Be UKC DNA and Embark DNA tested to ensure both purity and health, testing for over 170 different genetic diseases.

  5. Last, they must be matched up with the opposite sex that best compliments their weaknesses. No dog is perfect so we try to evaluate our dogs weak points and match them up with dogs of complimentary strengths.


It is our goal to place our puppies with qualified owners. We may ask you a lot of questions, some you will not be used to being asked. We may offend you with some of these questions, be assured it is not our intention. Its very important for you to not only find out the right breed to fit your lifestyle but its important for us to find the right owner to fit our puppies. We like to stay in contact with the new owners of our puppies. If its a show quality puppy, we would like to help you get into showing if you are not already. If the working aspects are what you are interested in, we would like to help you find a good trainer, know about the dogs progress, hear about that big trial win. Dogs are a big part of our life, but they are not our livelihood. 

Why Us?

From Working Champions
to Companion Guardians

Established in 1998, Cabeza Grande is a small but dedicated kennel interested in improving the state of the Presa Canario in the United States. Our dogs are bred for health, temperament, working ability, and conformity to true Spanish Presa Canario type. We strive for the "total" Presa. All of our bitches and dogs must pass stringent criteria before being considered for our breeding program. All dogs are Health and Temperament tested. We have the most and highest Schutzhund, Obedience and Tracking titled dogs of the breed in the USA! 4 of the top 10 Perro de Presa Canario in the United States are bred and/or owned by Cabeza Grande Kennel. This makes 4 to 5 dogs in the Top 10, 5 years running!

It is our mission to produce great companions, great workers, and great examples of the breed -- and then to place them with equally great owners. We believe we owe it to the breed to improve on the condition of the breed today. A well rounded dog is one with a title at both ends, with health and temperament to match! Should you decide to buy a puppy from us, we would like to thank you and welcome you into our Presa Canario family.

Our Presa Canario puppies are raised inside in environments specifically designed for the best raising of Presa Canario Puppies. We provide age appropriate mental and physical stimulation beginning at 3 days old. Early Neurological Stimulus has shown to provide the correct amount of stress to build better stress reactors as adults. Toys, objects, sounds, surfaces are all very important to the development of sound adult Presa Canarios. Its much more than just putting 2 dogs together. We have Presa Canario Pups for sale by reservation. 

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Presa Canario Troy
Presa Canario Puppies for sale
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"As a Dogo Canario Club of America founding member, past temperament president and board member, past Presa rescue effort leader, and sometime breeder, I have know Jen from almost her beginning. There are few people I would say shared my dedication to the breed in my 20 years, and only 1 has surpassed it, Jen of Cabeza Grande Kennels.


In my years involved in the presa breed I had easy access to some of the most renowned bloodlines of Spain, The Canary Islands, Eastern Europe and North America. The only American bred dog that met my expectations of what a presa should be was Bojinka de Cabeza Grande, PH. CCF II, TAN, DD , CAL II. She was from the original B litter, early in the breeding career of Cabeza Grande. She was the most perfectly balanced dog I ever owned, and that includes dogs of my own breeding. She won show classes, and could turn around and perform in working competitions the next day, yet be perfectly at ease with whatever mutt I brought into the house to rescue. While she wasn't the only outsourced dog I brought home, she was the only one I kept until the end.


On a personal note, I have never Known Jen to fail to do the right thing by a dog, even at great personal expense to herself. She has rescued many a dog from bad situations and found them homes; or brought them up to their true potential, and made them excellent contributors and ambassadors for the breed. Her dedication to her dogs, and to the breed in general, is unsurpassed. Many a year went by where she would work a full time job, then come home and drive an hour to train until late at night. Training, shows or competitions all over the country were her weekends. When Jen decided to join the DCCA, she threw herself wholeheartedly into it.

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Presa Canario Breeder and Trainer

©2018 by Cabeza Grande Kennel

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